When we still had not covered the territory of Separation, when we still aspired to widening our conquest of nature, when the story of humanity's Ascent was not yet complete, we weren't ready to hear about union, connectedness, interdependency, inter-being-ness. ...
Writer, speaker and author Charles Eisenstein of whome I have frequently written on the oralab blog is also editor of Reality Sandwich, which is an online magazine of ideas for the transformational community. Four years ago there he wrote an article called: The Three Seeds. For me it fits perfectly into my series of articles of the last days around Earth Day, which are all dealing with our attitude towards nature and mother earth and are showing that the seeds of Reunion are sprouting everywhere and transformation is taking place. After the above-noted quotation Charles continues:
"We thought the answer was more control, more technology, more logic, a better-engineered society of rational ethics, more control over matter, nature, and human nature. But now the old paradigms are failing, and human consciousness has reached a degree of receptivity that allows this [first] seed to spread across the earth. It has been released, and it is growing inside of us en masse.
To receive this [third] seed, it is not necessary to participate in their [indigenous] rituals, take an animal name, or claim a Native ancestor, but only to humbly see what they have preserved, so that memory may awaken. Until recently, such seeing was impossible for us, blinkered by our cultural superiority complex, our arrogance, our apparent success in mastering the universe. Now that converging ecological and social crises reveal the bankruptcy of our ways, we have the eyes to see the ways of others. ...
Read the whole substantial and empowering text The Three Seeds of Charles Eisenstein | learn more about Reality Sandwich | Did you know, that the first Earth Day on April 22, 1970, activated 20 million Americans from all walks of life? | From time to time I write an english blogpost on the oralab blog. Find more of them in the sidebar on the right: Themen: english posts