Many o f us have forgotten to esteem, to care and to visit their own temple within and receive impuls es for their lives from there. At the same time they have forgotten to esteem and to bless those holy places and to stay in communication and connection with them. From the very beginning, pilgrimage-sites where p laces where people meet, communicate, cultivate con nections and have a spiritual exchange.
Brigitte Graß | channeling regarding the worldwide pilgrim-sites
Pilgrimage-sites all over the world are places full of hope and spirituality, mostly found and built at natural places with an original emanation and high energy. At the same time pilgrimage itself has become just another business in the tourism game.
Figures from the United Nations World Tourism Organisation put the numbers of tourists making a spiritual pilgrimage each year at 330 million – nearly a third of the total for tourist journeys worldwide. Most pilgrimage places see all the normal ecological challenges that the other places in their region experience. But for many these are multiplied by the sheer numbers of pilgrims arriving. And these numbers are rising.
In the above mentioned channeling -- which was received on March 2015 from Brigitte Graß a german architect, feng shui and geomancy practitioner -- it is stated that: "Shaped by principles of faith and perceptions, these pulsating places became places of mystic, sorcery, depots of inner and outer loads, sorrows, fears, doubts and illusions. The harmony of nature, which from the very beginning is based on the giving and taking, has been deeply hurt and disturbed in its balance, which is easily visible at sites of pilgrimage."
The GPN Green Pilgrimage Network adresses this problem. GPN is a global collaboration between 28 pilgrim cities and other sites sacred to many different religious traditions around the world. They are all united in wanting to be models of green action and care. Members of the GPN share a vision of pilgrims on all continents, and the pilgrim cities that receive them, becoming models of care for the environment and leaving a positive footprint on the earth.
Initially co-ordinated by ARC Alliance of Religions and Conservation, the GPN was launched in 2011 at an event in Assisi, Italy, with twelve sacred sites around the world committing to long-term plans that would begin to make a significant environmental difference. Since that date other sites have continued to come forward and join the Green Pilgrimage mission. The establishment of the Green Pilgrimage website in 2014 was part of the process of establishing GPN as an independent organisation.
The Green Pilgrimage Network is a collective step in the right direction. As for ourselves there are still steps to be taken. Small ones, everyday, again and again, not fading away, going on and on ...
"Oh Man, come into your inner room of stillness and listen, enter the room of your heart, which God created for you as a holy temple. If you are able to listen - and not only nod with your head saying yes, yes, or no, no - but be open for the carrying and nourishing womb of Mother Earth, also reflecting what you have given her, and open the doors for power and the light of the spirit, then you will be able to regenerate and brighten up these places and sites being the bridge between heaven and earth, so that these places and you awake from the wheelings and dealings of bygone times."
Read the whole channeling regarding the worldwide pilgrim-sites | Learn more about the
Green Pilgrimage Network